A solution designed to handle the transportation of sensitive goods
The eAD module supports the process of moving excise goods in the excise duty suspension arrangement. The solution supports mandatory procedures for registering and handling the movement of such goods.
Our software application is a ready-to-implement solution which was already been in operation in Poland since 2011. The solution has proven to be fully compatible with the Polish Ministry of Finance’s Excise Movement and Supervision System (EMCS PL 2) – where it has demonstrated its stability and reliability over the past 9 years, highlighting its potential for application globally. The sensitive commercial data processed by the system is completely safe – stored directly in the customer’s infrastructure, as opposed to cloud-based storage.
Fast, effective and safe transportation
Source: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/excise-duties-alcohol-tobacco-energy/excise-movement-control-system/emcs-how-it-works
Upon validation of the eAD (electronic Administrative Document) sent by the customer (consignee), the system will charge the excise duty based on the rate in the country of destination. Then, once the transaction has been processed the consignee will submit a report of receipt. Then once the report is received by the consignor the excise goods will automatically be released.
Before authorising a shipment, the system will automatically verify each contractor in the European SEED database (System for Exchange of Excise Data).
As demonstrated through our system’s instant communication with the Polish Ministry of Finance’s EMCS PL 2 system, our application ensures free trade in excise goods and saves time. The tool works quickly and intuitively, allowing you to create your own templates, and making intelligent content entry suggestions based on previous use.
Intuitiveness and simplicity that support your business
Log in to PentaTAX , select the eAD module and benefit from:
- Simple operation via a web browser
- Comprehensive integration with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, with the possibility of making changes to them
- The ability to verify data through the national security system and permit handling relating to customs
Choose the right package for your company
Supports up to 150 IE801 messages per year
Annual subscription: TBC
Supports up to 450 IE801 messages per year
Annual subscription: TBC
Supports up to 2000 IE801 messages per year
Annual subscription: TBC
Supports up to 4500 IE801 messages per year
Annual subscription: TBC
Take advantage of the free trial period and choose one of our eAD packages today.